Ammar Faizi: > On 8/31/22 2:25 PM, Georg Koppen wrote: >> Ammar Faizi: >>> On 8/31/22 1:37 PM, Georg Koppen wrote: >>>> Ammar Faizi: >>>>> On 8/30/22 6:14 PM, Ammar Faizi wrote: >>>>> My exit node is now working properly. I also have just re-activated >>>>> the IPv6 support on it. My Tor browser is now working fine and I can >>>>> confirm the exit IP matches with my exit node server. >>>>> >>>>> While I don't actually know the reason behind this issue, it's all >>>>> fixed now. I also learned more about Tor network. >>>> >>>> Great, what did you change? >>> >>> Too many things to tell. I adjusted several configurations in torrc. >>> Not sure what the issue was. But now my exit node is marked as BadExit >>> and can't relay exit traffic again (after previously several hour >>> working well). >>> >>> Could you elaborate on what is going wrong? How to fix BadExit? >> >> The problem was that I still saw the same issues yesterday when testing >> and got the directory authorities to badexit your node as I did not know >> how long this problem persisted. I can redo my test later today and see >> how that goes. > > I see, I understand, thanks! > >> In the meantime: could you elaborate on why you have the >> DNSPort/TransPort setup and those many SocksPorts configured? That's >> pretty unusual for a plan exit node setup and not needed. > > I run a VPN service that uses the transparent proxy and DNSPort in the > same server with the exit node. I also use the SOCKSPort to run my > scraper app. > > Side note: The amount of the traffic from the VPN and SOCKS is fairly > small, it shouldn't affect my exit node. > > Current usage: > >   - A single small scrapper app (SOCKSPort). > >     I configure many ports to get many exit IP addresses for >     randomizing my identity. How is that supposed to work given that you only have one exit IP address ( And what are you actually scraping? One thing that makes me wonder is that we encounter more and more websites that deploy either total bans on Tor users or annoying CAPTCHAs etc. because of folks massively scraping their contents and because all simpler scraping solutions are already blocked. Are you aware of that issue? (FWIW: that is having a big impact on Tor's overall usability). >   - TeaVPN2 service (TransPort and DNSPort). > >     I am writing a VPN software (Linux). It uses the transparent >     proxy and DNS port only for accessing "*.onion" host. Only >     3 people using it so far, rarely used too. > > Is it fine doing that? > > I can deploy a dedicated Tor instance for my VPN and scraper app if > it is really needed. Well, "needed" might be to strong here but it is certainly encouraged to just relay Tor exit traffic with your server as whatever else you are running and doing on that box might affect that exit relay which in turn might impact (other) Tor users. Georg